The specific objective of this WP is to share the two results achieved through a series of workshops developed in the second part of the project implementation. In fact, the sharing of results will allow the dissemination of the tool created by the WSA as well as the publication on good practices. To achieve this objective, 120 people in the 4 countries participating in the project will be involved. Furthermore, this sharing, especially at the level of the organisations participating in the project, will enable them to increase cooperation at European level with all that this entails from the point of view of improving English language, intercultural skills, etc. Furthermore, this cooperation, thanks also to the development of the two results, will have an innovative character useful for promoting inclusion and diversity at the level of organisations in the field of education and training.
There will be two outcomes of this WP. The first outcome will be the dissemination of the PST and BPD during an international workshop to be held in Rakovnik in the Czech Republic in March 2024. This workshop will be attended by 40 people. The workshop will be organized in an inclusive manner so that it will be as open as possible to the contribution of each participant. Once this international workshop is completed, 4 local workshops will be organized with 15 people per workshop with the aim of sharing the project results with the direct beneficiaries. The local workshops will therefore be held in Belgium, Greece, Italy and the Czech Republic.